Christmas Tree Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

A Few Christmas Tree Facts

Most of us put up the Christmas tree each and every holiday — mostly for tradition’s sake. After all, it doesn’t feel like Christmas until the tree goes up. But do you know much about the history of Christmas trees? Here are some interesting facts…

The First Christmas Tree

Well, the actual origins of the first Christmas tree have always been the topic of hot debate. Some say they are pagan in origin, others insist they are not. However, the first decorated Christian Christmas tree dates back to 1510.

The first Christmas trees weren’t decorated with lights and glass ornaments, as we decorate our trees today. These trees adorned simple decorations made of paper and fruits. So where did the lights come from? In the 18th century people began hanging candles on their trees. With the advent of electricity Christmas lights were introduced and because they were safer, they quickly replaced the candle tradition.

The First Christmas Tree Lots

Think the tradition of going to the Christmas tree lot to pick out a tree is a recent one? Guess again! Christmas tree lots have been around almost as long as Christmas trees have. The first Christmas tree lot dates back to 1531 in Germany.

The First White House Tree

Each year many of us ooh and ahh over the White House Christmas tree. When did the tradition start? Back in 1856 and the first lighting ceremony was introduced in 1923.

So there you have it, some Christmas tree facts to remind us that Christmas trees aren’t just something to make the season brighter. They are a long-standing tradition that add culture to our Christmas experience. This year as you’re shopping for Christmas trees at the Christmas tree lot remember just how long ago the tradition was started.