Developing New Christmas Traditions of Your Own

The concept of new Christmas traditions may seem self-contradictory, considering that the term “tradition” generally applies to some old practice that’s been going on forever. But hey — at some point, every old Christmas tradition was new. They have to get started somehow!

Which is why I believe you shouldn’t hesitate to start a new Christmas tradition with your family–something you all look forward to when Christmas rolls around. Even if it’s just playing Final Fantasy together, that doesn’t mean it’s not a tradition.

That tree, for example

Some families like heading out into the woods to chop down their own Christmas tree. Others view that as murdering an inferior life form with an ax, and (ironically) prefer selecting a pre-chopped tree at a Christmas tree lot.

That’s a fairly new Christmas tradition right there; it hasn’t existed for more than a century or so. Even more recent is the tradition of finding just the right artificial tree, which some people actually do every year (I know a few). That dates from 1930, when the first bristle-brush tree was put on sale.

Oh, and those awful upside down Christmas trees? That’s an even newer tradition, just a few years old now. See what I mean?

A little something for the reindeer

You know how Santa gets all kinds of cookies and milk, according to ancient tradition? Well, what about the reindeer, huh? What do they get?

Here’s a charming Christmas tradition you can try with your kids: make a fun Christmas craft and feed those hard working reindeer! The kids will love sprinkling the lawn with their own handmade reindeer food recipe.

Just gather the kids in the kitchen, whip up a batch, and you’re set for an enjoyable new Christmas tradition.

Christmas cookin’

Food is already an important part of Christmas; hence turkey, ham, and the dreaded fruitcake. But you can put your own family spin on the tradition and make some amusing memories by the simple expedient of having everyone in the family (who can) prepare their own favorite dish for the Christmas feast.

It doesn’t have to be a traditional Christmas food, even. Oh, that would be nice, but you can’t expect a six year old to know how to baste a turkey. Maybe a few cookies from the Easy Bake oven is more her speed. Hey, don’t laugh — they usually turn out pretty good.

My Mom’s favorite food is pizza. Mine is shrimp. Now, can you imagine what a splendid combination those very different things (along with anything else you can imagine) might result in? Now, there’s a new Christmas tradition you can look forward to every year!