Planning a Mexican Christmas Party

A Christmas party with a Mexican theme can be a lot of fun and whether or not your family has a Mexican heritage, it can be a memorable family tradition.

Suggestions for a Mexican Christmas party…

Of course a Mexican Christmas party should consist of traditional or authentic Mexican food. Menudo, asada, enchiladas, beans and rice are common. Tamales and biscochoes (Mexican wedding cookies) are also wonderful. By doing an internet search for Mexican food recipes, you will find a plethora of great recipes for your Christmas party.

For games, kids will love the Mexican tradition of hitting a piñata. A piñata is hung up from a tree or ceiling. You blindfold the kids (one at time) and let them swing at the piñata with a baseball bat or a large stick. When the container inside the piñata breaks, candy or small toys fall out of it. The kids can gather up the goodies and split them. This is a great Mexican tradition that is fun for any type of party.

Christmas decorations for a Mexican Christmas party may consist of Mexican or Tex-Mex items like strings of chili peppers, hand painted gourd ornaments and luminarias (paper sack type Christmas lights).

Did you know? The language spoken in Mexico is not called Mexican, rather it is referred to as the Spanish language probably due to its origin just as the American language is referred to as English since it was brought to America from England.
Mexican Christmas parties will be even more fun with traditional Mexican dances and music from a Tejano or Mariachi band.

Of course if you are hosting a Mexican Christmas party, you will want your party invitations to have a Mexican theme. To say Merry Christmas in Spanish you will write “Feliz Navidad”.