The Inspiration of the Christmas Icicle Light

The Christmas icicle light is growing in popularity. Around the Christmas season you are sure to see Christmas icicle light strands adorning the eves of homes and businesses everywhere.

Wonders where the Christmas icicle light ideas came from…

I’ve searched high and low for the origin of the Christmas icicle light, but there is nothing of vast interest to be found that indicates the Christmas icicle light is more than just a decoration.

Christmas icicle light decorations are just gorgeous and look a lot like icicles hanging from the eve of houses.

In snow country, you will see true icicles, where the runoff from the roof has frozen. Apparently, the Christmas icicle light strands were developed to simulate the natural appearance that accompanies a white Christmas.

Icicles have long been a part of Christmas decorating, though the Christmas icicle light strands are relatively new.

I remember way back when we used to have “icicles” that were really silver, foil-like strands of plastic tinsel that we would throw generously on the Christmas tree.

We also had clear plastic icicles with little hooks at the top that we would put on the tree, hand from curtain rods, or hang on the strands of the Christmas lights on the outside of the house. The “icicles” would reflect the glow from the Christmas lights.

Christmas icicle lights that are available today give a similar effect, though the lights in them are generally clear. When mixed with strands of colored lights, they make a colorful, yet icy looking effect.

Did you know? The song, “White Christmas” was written by Irvin Berlin and was performed by Bing Crosby in a musical titled, “Holiday Inn”.

Apparently the purpose of Christmas icicle lights is to bring a touch of winter wonder to homes where white Christmas’s are rather rare. The beauty of the Christmas icicle lights is simply breathtaking.