The Origin of the Christmas Tree Skirt

A Christmas tree skirt is something that doesn’t get a lot of attention. The Christmas tree skirt hides the Christmas tree base and makes a nice undercover for placing gifts on, but have you ever wondered where the idea of a Christmas skirt came from?

The Christmas tree skirt deserves some recognition…

I haven’t been able to find the origin of the Christmas tree skirt, but my best guess is that it probably originated in Germany. “Why Germany?” you may ask.

That’s a good question. The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree began in Germany. At first, they didn’t use any kind of lighting, but eventually they started using lit candles attached to the boughs of the tree with melted wax.

Christmas tree skirts were originally placed under a Christmas tree to catch the wax that dripped from the candles. That was before the tradition of putting the candles in lanterns came about.

So, it makes sense that the Christmas tree skirt may have originated in Germany. At any rate, Christmas tree skirts has caught on and they have become more aesthetic than practical.

A Christmas tree skirt is used for decoration in this day and age. The modern day Christmas tree skirt is usually color coordinated with the Christmas tree decorations on a tree decorated with a theme, or it may be adorned with characters, animals, flowers, or holiday prints.

Did you know? There are many Christmas tree skirt patterns available if you are interested in making your own Christmas tree skirt.

A Christmas tree skirt may be lacy or silky or it may be made of felt or muslin. It may be made of velvet or even cross stitched. There are many unique styles of Christmas tree skirts. I’ve even seen patchwork style quilted Christmas tree skirts and a leather Christmas tree skirt.