Traditional Christmas Figurines

Christmas figurines are collectibles that make for a wonderful gift giving tradition. Christmas figurines may be expensive, or relatively cheap.

Giving Christmas figurines as a gifts is a nice, memorable tradition…

An aunt in my family has adopted the giving of Christmas figurines as a tradition. Everyone in the family, regardless of age or gender, receives a Christmas figurine from Auntie Lydia every year as a Christmas gift.

While we always know that our packages from Auntie Lydia contain Christmas figurines, we are always excited to see which Christmas figurines we can add to our collection this year.

Sometimes the Christmas figurines will be angels, sometimes teddy bears with Christmas hats, or sometimes a puppy dog holding a Christmas stocking in his mouth. The Christmas figurines are always unique and original and no two people in the family get the same one.

At Christmas time, we line our hearth, decorate our window sills and garnish or dining room table with Christmas figurines from Auntie Lydia. Everywhere you look, from the bathroom to the kitchen, there are little Christmas scenes made up of awfully cute Christmas figurines.


Some Christmas figurines are very inexpensive and you can often even find some at dollar stores. There are also Christmas figurines that are collector’s editions, say from Coca-Cola, Hallmark or the Franklin Mint.

These are a bit more expensive. Whether or not they are collector editions, Christmas figurines make great Christmas gifts and wonderful family Christmas tradition.

Fun Fact: Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist in 1886. The writing of the name “Coca Cola” in the logo that appears on today’s products is the same script that was originally designed for the products in the late 1800s.

Snow villages…

For a few years, in place of Christmas figurines, Auntie Lydia gave each of us a snow village house. When everyone in the family puts their snow village houses together, we’ve got a gorgeous snow village lining the walls around the Christmas tree. The Christmas figurines add a lot of charm to our home.