Unique Christmas Gift Ideas

Unique Christmas gift ideas can be hard to come up with, but exploring various cultural traditions can give you some very unique Christmas gift ideas!

Unique Christmas gift ideas…

Ornaments, Christmas decorations or other items with cultural significance make a very unique Christmas gift, especially for people who have an interest in history or exploring various cultures.

A wooden candelabra from Canada which is used in the Canadian Christmas lighting tradition is a unique Christmas gift.

A Christmas rose or a Christmas poinsettia is a unique Christmas gift that can be enjoyed throughout the holiday season.

A Japanese Christmas lantern that is used to decorate a Christmas tree is a nice, unique Christmas gift that can be used year after year.

Chinese Christmas bells are very nice, unique Christmas gifts that can be used to decorate Christmas trees or doors.

Luminarias are popular Christmas decorations in the Southwest United States and Mexico, but are not generally seen elsewhere, so a set of luminarias is a unique Christmas gift for people in other areas.

Did you know? Luminaria Christmas lighting is based on the Mexican tradition of lighting the path for congregations to attend Midnight Mass, and symbolizing Mary and Joseph’s search for lodging in Bethlehem.
Fruit cake and mince pie from England is a unique Christmas gift. Fruit cake has become common in various areas, but mince pie is not quite as common.

Perishable items such as these can be ordered from import companies and used as unique Christmas gifts.

Liqueur chocolates from Germany are a unique Christmas gift.

Gingerbread biscuits from Germany or Scotland, or scones from England or Scotland are unique Christmas gift ideas.

We have recently stumbled on a great gift basket website with a very unique style of gift giving. The foundation of each of their gift baskets is a unique, high-quality, useful heirloom that the recipient will be pleased to display in their office or home for many years to come.

With a some thought and a little research, you are sure to find unique Christmas gift ideas with a cultural significance. Most people enjoy knowing about customs and traditions from various cultures.

Traditional Christmas celebrations are a mixture of various cultural influences, so sharing cultural items and the stories of their origin is a wonderfully unique Christmas gift idea.