Category Blog

The History of the Christmas Train

There is something fascinating about Christmas trains. Not that many homes display Christmas trains anymore. It used to be that a prominent train was displayed underneath the Christmas tree. Nowadays, you really only see Christmas trains in homes where someone…

The History of Christmas

Christmas is approaching, but it is very likely that the day Christians celebrate as Christ’s birth was not the date of his actual birth at all. Christmas is an integral celebration of Christianity, but it seems that it occurs during…

The History of Christmas Presents

Even those individuals who don’t know much about the history of Christmas presents realize that the importance of Christmas presents has changed over the centuries. It was once common even in wealthy families for children to get just one Christmas…

The History of Christmas Abbreviations

Many people abbreviate Christmas by writing “Xmas.” However, some people consider using an abbreviated form of Christmas to be offensive. These two conflicting viewpoints can be resolved when we learn more about the history of using Xmas as an abbreviation…